Hershel Robinson wrote:

I am attempting to install OTRS on a Linux VPS (virtual private server). I have SSH access to the server.

I downloaded otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm and installed it and it worked. Well, it claimed to have worked. Unfortunately the URL that it provided me to continue the installation failed--it doesn't exist.

A few points to note about this situation: I myself have few Linux skills--nothing more than the Unix basics I used back in college. Furthermore, I know very little about this VPS, as in how precisely it works etc.

The VPS support responded thusly when asked what OS the machine runs:

Linux host.mzshosting.com 2.6.8-022stab078.1-enterprise #1 SMP Thu May 11 13:51:08 MSD 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux

That's the answer to what kernel the machine runs, not what OS it is. You might want to cat /etc/*-release. Also, which rpm did you pick? If you don't even know what OS you're running you might have picked the wrong one.

The machine is hosted by powervps.com

I see they host 4 kinds of control panels. Which one do you have?

After the install, the system said to continue here:

but mzshosting.com itself doesn't really go anywhere, let alone that URI.

So, can anyone tell me how to proceed from here?

Use any domain hosted on the server and append /otrs/installer.pl for the location of the installer.

Nils Breunese.
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