<two offline emails snipped>

>> First I used rpm -e to remove the package, then I tried this:
>> [snip]
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# ls o*
>> otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm
>> opt:
>> ./  ../  otrs/
> This seems strange to me. I'd think that after doing rpm -e otrs
> /opt/otrs would be gone. But I might be wrong.
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# rpm -ivh otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm
>> Preparing...
>> ########################################### [100%]
>> Check OTRS user (/etc/passwd)... otrs exists.
>>    1:otrs
>> ########################################### [100%]
> Either otrs was not properly uninstalled or uninstalling it doesn't
> remove the otrs system user. I don't know really. In the latter case
> there's no problem.
> I always use -Uvh by the way, as it will ensure you'll never have two
> versions (or more) of the same package installed (of course I do use
> -ivh for kernels and such).
>> You have more ideas?
> Can you do the following and mail me the output?
> # rm otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm
> # rpm -e otrs
> # rm -rf /opt/otrs
> # wget ftp://ftp.otrs.org/pub/otrs/RPMS/redhat/8.0/otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm
> # ls -l otrs*
> # rpm -Uvh otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm
> # service httpd restart
> # service otrs restart
> Go to http://hostname/otrs/installer.pl

Here it is:


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# rm otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm
rm: remove regular file `otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm'? y
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# rpm -e otrs
error: package otrs is not installed
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# rm -rf /opt/otrs
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# wget ftp://ftp.otrs.org/pub/otrs/RPMS/redhat/8.0/otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm --06:42:42-- ftp://ftp.otrs.org/pub/otrs/RPMS/redhat/8.0/otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm
           => `otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm.1'
Resolving ftp.otrs.org...
Connecting to ftp.otrs.org[]:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD /pub/otrs/RPMS/redhat/8.0 ... done.
==> PASV ... done.    ==> RETR otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm ... done.

    [        <=>                          ] 11,844,037   733.55K/s

06:42:59 (702.80 KB/s) - `otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm.1' saved [11,844,037]

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# ls -l otrs*
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 11844037 May 31 05:07 otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 11844037 May 31 06:42 otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# rpm -Uvh otrs-2.0.4-01.i386.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
Check OTRS user (/etc/passwd)... otrs exists.
1:otrs ########################################### [100%]

Next steps:

[httpd services]
 Restart httpd 'service httpd restart'

[mysqld service]
 Start mysqld 'service mysqld start'

[install the OTRS database]
 Use a webbrowser and open this link:

[OTRS services]
 Start OTRS 'service otrs start' (service otrs {start|stop|status|restart).

Have fun!

 Your OTRS Team

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# service httpd restart
/etc/init.d/httpd restart: httpd restarted
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# service otrs restart
Shutting down OTRS
 Disable /opt/otrs/bin/PostMaster.pl ... done.
 Shutting down cronjobs ...
no crontab for otrs
Starting OTRS..
 Checking httpd ...  failed!
  --> Please start the webserver at first! (service httpd start) <--


HTTP results in:

The requested URL /otrs/installer.pl was not found on this server.

I did this too just for fun:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [/]# rpm -qa | grep otrs


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