You can't use the OTRS windows installer with XAMPP because the
Windows installer sets up its own database, apache and Perl. So you
should be able to use the OTRS windows installer on a windows box
WITHOUT XAMPP without too much trouble... that just might be what
you're looking for?
I saw people complaining about cron job schedulers on Windows, I can
not make any suggestions as to what works or does not work. Is there
anyone running Windows who would like to share a success story?
Michiel Beijen
Software Consultant
+31 6 - 457 42 418
Bee Free IT +

2008/12/15 sol sol <>:
> Hi Michiel and Lars,
> Thanks for the reply.
> Firts of all, Linux would make life easier cause then i would not worry
> about the admin rights, but every system is running win2000 for now and in
> future will convert to vista. Second, Linux would be easier cause i could
> use the rpm packages.. (and ofcourse like Michiel says if anything
> happens....)
> But it is no option.
> L/Xampp, it is indeed an easy test system, that is why i am trying to setup
> my evaluation with this, it needs no admin rights, and i can port it easyly
> to an other test system like my collegues pc for example. The last
> interesting thing is i can export it later on , and import it to the right
> server. So i do understand that no production system should run on xampp;-)
> The VM application is kinda cool but it would lak performance for a test
> system (we would try a less important mailbox to test) and even iff its good
> performance i run in the problem of installing with out admin right...
> ok, back on track :
> iff i install the perl add on, i will still be missing the additional
> modules for perl. some how downloading them wont work like it should, my
> install constantly fails.. i do know that the 1.3 version of OTRS had an
> installer for the modules, does it to for 2.3?
> Or can i import them from a win /linux RPM? so yes how?
> Iff i would use xampp to install, do i paste the otrs folder in htdocs from
> apache or in the root next to apache?
> Is there an alternative possibility for the cron jobs?
> Thanks in advance,sincerly Sol
> 2008/12/15 Michiel Beijen <>
>> I guess you /should/ be able to get OTRS working on XAMPP. However,
>> the default XAMPP from the Apache Friends website does not seem to
>> include Perl so you should make sure you install the add-on:
>> []
>> This does not incorporate all of the needed Perl modules that are
>> required. You can run the otrs.checkModules script from a console
>> window. Change to the bin directory of OTRS and execute 'perl
>> otrs.checkModules'.
>> You can probably install any missing OTRS modules via cpan.
>> []
>> Please note that XAMPP is targeted at developers. You should not be
>> using it in production systems. So you could use it to perform a quick
>> evaluation, but if you want to use it a bit more than that you should
>> look into another solution.
>> See [] under 'Philosophy'.
>> And if you want to do just an evaluation of OTRS you can also consider
>> using a pre-made VMWare image such as this:
>> []
>> I do not really agree with Lars as to you should not use Windows for
>> OTRS. In my opinion, Windows is a supported platform by OTRS so you
>> will be able to succesfully deploy OTRS on it. However, it is true
>> that OTRS originated on Linux. Probably, most of the OTRS deployments
>> will be running on some sort of linux, but I do not have any data on
>> that. Some parts of the documentation are based on the assumption that
>> you are running on Linux so you might run into minor issues with that.
>> Other than that, you will be able to run OTRS on Windows just fine.
>> The main point for platform choice for OTRS is the skills available in
>> your organisation. If you are a Microsoft-only shop, you should just
>> go ahead and use Windows, if you have a considerable amount of your
>> business running on Linux or the like, use that.
>> If you are the only person in a Microsoft shop with Linux skills, go
>> with Windows (otherwise, if you leave or get hit by a truck or... the
>> organisation will be stuck with a solution which they do not
>> understand and which they will want to get rid of!)
>> --
>> Michiel Beijen
>> Software Consultant
>> +31 6 - 457 42 418
>> Bee Free IT +
>> 2008/12/12 sol sol <>:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I am trying to setup a test system:
>> > Used system win 2000 (no admin access)
>> > Xampp
>> >
>> > I can not seem te be able to get this otrs running with xampp, and i
>> > cant
>> > find info about it.
>> > Can some one help me out with this?
>> >
>> >
>> >
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