You shouldn't need to use cron to keep your time in sync, you can just
install ntpd and configure it to synchronise time with at least 3
global NTP servers (see But you might want to find out
why your clock keeps losing time in the first place as that could
indicate bigger issues with the CPU/server motherboard itself.

As for fixing the problems with OTRS, as these seem to be time
dependant, fix the time part first and then see if you still have
issues with OTRS.


On 2 February 2013 18:36, Esteban Monge <> wrote:
> Hello:
> I have problems with OTRS, we have Debian GNU/Linux in ESX with a cron
> task for sync time with ntpdate, runs each five minutes, I configured php
> with timezone (America/Panama).
> But for any reason time in machine changes, if between five minutes of
> next ntpdate update OTRS receive a new ticket and have new tickets with
> out attendance, Dashboard will be freeze, new ticket don't can showed and
> actual new ticket can be closed but still in Dashboard with negative time
> until server sync with the hour that OTRS thinks was created.
> I need two solutions, first a correct way to mantain the hour with out
> modifications and/or a possible fix for OTRS.
> Thanks a lot
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