On 3 February 2013 15:11, Esteban Monge <este...@nuevaeralatam.com> wrote:
> Thanks Steve.
> My server is a VM under VMWare, maybe sys admin can put a politic to sync
> time in different way to my Debian, generally time changes at 6p.m. I
> tried with NTP server but sometimes don't works good and the time need
> changed manually, when I note the change, can be 24 hours or more, for
> documentation is a bad behavior.
> I going to try with NTP again...

So as Michiel said you need to ensure vmtools are installed and active
on your Debian VM (I missed the part where you said you were running
on ESX). As you are sharing a CPU with other VMs then this is what is
probably causing your time to skew, installing vmtools will fix that.
Though in all of our Debian VM images I also have them synchronising
against our NTP server as well.

There is an open source set of tools available but you need the
ability to compile and install kernel modules on your VM, the
instructions I use are:

# Install Open VMware Tools
aptitude install build-essential open-vm-tools open-vm-source
module-assistant auto-install open-vm -i

The first one will install the open-vm-tools and the compiler+tools,
second command will automatically build and install the open-vm kernel
modules. After that's done reboot.


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