On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Winston Pang <winstonp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm trying to apply MVVM in the WPF navigation model.
> I was just doing some thoughts around it
> Apart from the rule that the view model shouldn't know about the view, how
> would a particular view spawn another view, and push it to the navigation
> service for example? I've been playing around with some ideas of holding a
> mapping between the View and ViewModel in a global list in App. Then have
> App register against the messenger/mediator to respond to any other view
> model's wanting to spawn a new view and navigating it to it. I'm not sure if
> I'm on the right track.
> Would love to see how some other people have done it on here?

A colleague of mine (much smarter than me) implemented a generic
workflow system that was when used by several "views"

Basically, there was just a core workflow API, with was then held by
each of the areas, and they would then implement/subclass appropriate
items to render the various items (next/previous buttons, rendering of
content in the certain type of question/input/whatever).

I think this fits into your requirements. But I know I haven't given a
lot of real detail. I can't quite remember exactly how it was
implemented, and I don't work there anymore, but contact me offlist
perhaps and I can tell you what I remember.

The point is, a global mapping sounds bad. I think a strict sort of
composition-based approach seems nice, with views being based of the
core workflow system and rendered in some dynamic fashion.

Hope this is reasonably useful.

> Thanks.
> --Winston



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