In Magellan a ViewModel has access to an INavigator service, which it can use 
to navigate to other ViewModels or controllers. For example:

private void SaveCommandExecuted()
     Navigator.Navigate<MyController>(c => c.Save(this));

The controller action might be:

public ActionResult Save(MyViewModel vm)
    // Save data from vm
    return Page("ThanksForSaving", new ThanksForSavingViewModel());

The latest Magellan release also has the ability to navigate between VM's 
without using controllers at all.

I guess it comes as no surprise that my response would be WPF + navigation = 
Magellan :) But if you're rolling your own you could look at that approach.

In more composite applications I use a pub/sub eventing system to navigate - it 
might be:

events.Publish(new NavigateEvent<TViewModel>(vm => vm.Initialize(x,y), 

The navigation mechanism would subscribe to that event and figure out where to 
show the corresponding view.


From: [] On 
Behalf Of Winston Pang
Sent: Wednesday, 3 November 2010 6:03 PM
To: ozDotNet; ozWPF
Subject: MVVM in a navigational paradigm

Hey guys,

I'm trying to apply MVVM in the WPF navigation model.

I was just doing some thoughts around it

Apart from the rule that the view model shouldn't know about the view, how 
would a particular view spawn another view, and push it to the navigation 
service for example? I've been playing around with some ideas of holding a 
mapping between the View and ViewModel in a global list in App. Then have App 
register against the messenger/mediator to respond to any other view model's 
wanting to spawn a new view and navigating it to it. I'm not sure if I'm on the 
right track.

Would love to see how some other people have done it on here?



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