Why aren't you guys using Presenters plus DataTemplates / Views for the
overall orchestration?

in that Accessing a Presenter to handle the marshaling between View and
Model/ViewModel is perfectly righteous - espec if you cheat and use AutoFac?

As for mapping ViewModels to Views via Resource Dictionary

    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:TestViewModel}">
        <v:TestView />

In using this, you don't care what the View is? you just keep talking to one
another via ViewModels only.. what goes inside the View etc is only the VM's
business nobody elses? ContentControl, ItemsControl etc automatically
resolve the View for you so the whole DataContext thing is pretty much not
needed unless you want to see design-time data etc via Expression Blend (but
i've learned to wean myself off that and its pretty disciplined).


Scott Barnes


On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 12:30 PM, Miguel Madero <m...@miguelmadero.com> wrote:

> Strings are fine most of the time, specially for things like menus or links
> but for most cases I just delegate the decision to the VM of where to
> navigate to or if we need to navigate at all.
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Steven Nagy <steven.n...@readify.net>wrote:
>> I usually keep the view and the view model separate, such that the VM has
>> no knowledge of the view.
>> From the view model I might issue a call to navigate to a name, such as
>> “Home”.
>> The navigation service will be responsible for working out what view / VM
>> to build/resolve from that name, and where to load that view (ie in a
>> region, in the shell, in a popup, etc).
>> The nav service tends to change quite drastically between applications
>> though, and depends if you’re using prism or other presentation style
>> frameworks.
>> Of course if you just roll with Magellan you don’t need to think about all
>> this. J
>> I need to spend more time with it, but it’s not the first item on my to do
>> list…
>> *Steven Nagy
>> *Readify | Senior Consultant, Technical Specialist (Azure), Mentor | MVP
>> Windows Azure
>> M: +61 404 044 513 | E: steven.n...@readify.net | B: azure.snagy.name**
>> [image: Description: Description: sig banner]
>> * *
>> *P** **Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing
>> this e-mail.*
>> *From:* ozwpf-boun...@list.ozwpf.com [mailto:ozwpf-boun...@list.ozwpf.com]
>> *On Behalf Of *Winston Pang
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, 3 November 2010 6:03 PM
>> *To:* ozDotNet; ozWPF
>> *Subject:* MVVM in a navigational paradigm
>> Hey guys,
>> I'm trying to apply MVVM in the WPF navigation model.
>> I was just doing some thoughts around it
>> Apart from the rule that the view model shouldn't know about the view, how
>> would a particular view spawn another view, and push it to the navigation
>> service for example? I've been playing around with some ideas of holding a
>> mapping between the View and ViewModel in a global list in App. Then have
>> App register against the messenger/mediator to respond to any other view
>> model's wanting to spawn a new view and navigating it to it. I'm not sure if
>> I'm on the right track.
>> Would love to see how some other people have done it on here?
>> Thanks.
>> --Winston
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> --
> Miguel A. Madero Reyes
> www.miguelmadero.com (blog)
> m...@miguelmadero.com
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