I'm Terry Stockdale an Independent Midwife in Hobart, I find a combination of Arnica Homeopathically and verbernum tincture herbal (taken separately)seem to take the edge at bay, otherwise voltaren tabs 50mgs 8 hourly seem to hit the spot.  It is most important to keep the bladder empty especially just before breastfeeding as this causes surges of afterbirth contractions and will be stronger with a full bladder.
Hot packs
and you can hire a TENS machine that is often used for period pains. one of my women felt this was heaven.
Best wishes
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2003 9:57 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Afterbirth pains

Dear All,
I am hoping you may be able to help.  I am expecting my fourth baby in approx. 2 weeks & need some advise.  I usually experience killer afterbirth pains that often seem worse than the labour.  For this birth I am attending the Birth Centre here in Brisbane & am planning to birth in the water & birth my placenta physiologically.  I have not had a physiological third stage in the past (nor a water birth) & I was hoping that this will make a difference to the afterbirth pains.  The acupuncturist I have been visiting has also suggested Chinese herbs (usually used in labour) to assist with this pain also... have any of you used Chinese herbs for something like this & if so, are they safe for breastfeeding?
Also, my husband & I are planning on having our 3 other children at our birth & I was thinking that if all goes to plan that they may like to touch the baby as he/she crowns & is born.  Do any of you experienced with siblings being present find that siblings want to be this involved?  I want my children to find this experience as wonderful & totally natural as I do.  I cannot put into words the way I feel about birth (as a woman, mother & midwife)... but would somehow like to share these overwhelming feelings with my children.  Do many of the children want to get into the birth pool / tub during the labour &/or birth?  I know all children are individual (my three certainly are)... but would not like to limit them & the way they would like to participate just because I have no idea about the normal reactions of children  I have never met anybody who has had their other children present at their births & I have never cared for any woman in that situation  (in fact almost everyone I tell of our plans look at me as though I've stepped from another planet).
Any suggestions welcome.... (I hope my questions make sense.... brains getting a bit foggy in the lead up to birth).
Tina H.

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