Bojidar Dimitrov schrieb:

Actually, the story I was hoping for is:

Arnold puts an FA135/2.8 for sale on eBay. They buyer returns it because it is "loose like hell". Arnold shows me the lens and asks for my honest opinion. We both agree that it has the same look and feel like a new FA 135/2.8.

This all refers to the focusing ring, only. I agree with the buyer that the looseness of the focusing ring is surprising, but the lens is built in this way toachieve fast AF speed. I have no doubt that this lens focuses faster than any Canon 135mm lens .... ;-)

PS: I have owned an FA 100/2.8 Macro, and it felt the same way.

I have had such a lens, too, and it felt definietly much less loose than the FA135/f2.8. However, both the focusing rings of the F100/f2.8 and of the F135/f2.8 are not loose - that is why I prefer these lenses. The F100/f2.8 has now clamp screw beacuse it does not need one!

The FA 24-90/3.5-4.5 and FA 80-320/4.5-5.6 feel thes ame, but they are plastic, so altogether they are even worse...

I was particularly suprised by the mediocre build quality of the FA24-90 - a lans that expensive shoud have better built. At half the price, the build quality of the FA28-105/f3.2-4.5 is forgivable. The build quallity of zooms like the F28-80/f3.5-4.5, F35-105/f4-5.6 and F70-210/f4-5.6 is much better, so if you want such quality, there are still options to choose from - though the F28-80/f3.5-4.5 is hard to get. Obviously the people who own it stick to it....


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