I got an original Pentax 'Mount Adapter K' #30120 today in the post with a
POL phototube for my Russian microscope. Now I understand the posts about
the adapters getting stuck in the camera. This could happen quite easily but
doesn't seem to be a common fault with the original Pentax ring. I can now
screw any one of my Pentax bodies to the tube and intend to start taking
pictures (ME Super) to test exposures tomorrow. Christian, you won't be able
to fault me for this one -- the Microscope agent in Chicago sent someone to
a camera store to buy it for me and didn't take a profit.

Dr E D F Williams
Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: March 30, 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Christian Skofteland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: The *ist camera

> On Friday 06 June 2003 11:27, tom wrote:
> >
> >
> > Tell me who said the *ist-D wouldn't give good image quality? I expect
> > it will be in the same league as the 10D and D100.
> >
> Don wrote it in his origianl post.  I'm expecting the same as well which
> makes me happy because I think both those cameras perform to  a level that
> will be very happy with.
> > I switched because:
> >
> > - the 10D was available 3 months ago. (I think it's already paid for
> > itself. The Pentax selloff paid for everything else.)
> > - I can upgrade to a 1DS.
> > - Canon has a more appealing line of pro lenses wrt focal length, USM
> > and IS.
> I know why you switched and they are very good reasons for someone like
> yourself that makes money off his gear and needed digital NOW.  I was
> impressed by the USM lenses.  I think my comment was: "I didn't hear or
> it focus!!!!"  If I were to dump Pentax for digital today it would be for
> Canon.
> > - Software support for Canon raw files is widespread. At this point
> > it's 0 for Pentax.
> There is no such thing as Pentax RAW files at this point in time.  But,
> because Pentax is always the bastard child of Photography, I don't expect
> much support for it when it is released.  I was looking at a GNU *nix
> camera application that supports just about every brand of digicam....
> Pentax.
> Christian

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