I thoguht a small Ginetta was a gin/rocks, with a twist!


Cotty wrote:
> >what I don't understand (not from you, Don, but from other posts) is that
> >everyone is ready to run out and buy a 10D because the *ist-D is not
> >compatible with K and M lenses.  Well guess what?  Neither are the offerings
> >from Canon and Nikon.  You'll still need to replace ALL your lenses, right
> >Tom and Cotty?
> Yery true, and I was extremely sad to have to let go my A*85mm f/1.4 -
> the best lens of all time in my very humble opinion. However, I am
> beginning to see that it may have been of limited value when attached to
> the *ist D.
> It's taken me 6 months, but I have sold all but a few Pentax and KA mount
> lenses, and built up  a range of EOS mount glass, only one of which is
> actually a Canon lens. This is because I tend to equip myself with fast
> lenses (dare I say it - 'pro' ;-) which are obviously going to be more
> expensive. I see no point to lenses with max apertures of f/5.6 for
> instance. Canon 'L' glass is very costly and I have yet to gather the
> nerve to splash out on even a used example. I must say that the sheer
> range of lenses is pretty staggering and in a few years I would hope to
> shed some of my Sigma bottles in favour of Canon, oops I mean C*n*n.
> Depreciation on the DSLR is frightening. I paid £1600 for the body last
> October. The very last ones off the shelves can be had for just under a
> grand, with used prices at anywhere between 800 and a grand. In one
> year's time, the £1299 10D will be hovering around £700 used. That's a
> very steep drop and you need to be able to write off that loss if buying
> into the big D. I can write it off because it's purely hobby, and as such
> I don't have to justify any of the costs. Besides, I don't own any of my
> gear, Visa does ;-)
> I raced an off-road racer in the 1990s - you wanna see a money pit?
> Campaign one of those for a couple of years! Buying DSLRs is peanuts.
> With the money spent over 5 years of building and racing, I could have
> bought half a dozen 1Ds's. Hey, photography is CHEAP.
> (I would love a Ginetta to run around in on sunny Sunday afternoons
> though - oops, don't tell the Mrs......)
> Cheers,
>   Cotty
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