Użytkownik Roland Mabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisał:

>Pentax has patented a KAF3 lens mount with support for IS and USM lenses. 

Don't feel offended but calling for the patents we saw many times in the past years 
make me laugh. We saw NOTHING more than them...

>They also have patented IS and USM technology. This is old news, Pentax has 
>had the patents for a long time. It seems like their changing their lens 
>mount now (the electrical aperture protocol seems to have changed, for 
>example) and this may be a sign of IS and USM.

Yes - only "may be". But none can be sure in any way about it. Moreover, there are no 
signs of it...

>The entry level MZ-60 is in many ways more advanced than the first MZ - the 
>midmarket MZ-5.

I can see no such way.

>The MZ-60 has, for example, auto bracketing and exposure memory lock. The 
>MZ-5 hasn\'t.

Compared to the things the MZ-60 has NOT, the superiority of the MZ-5 is obvious

>If you compare the MZ-60 with the entry level Z-70, or Z-10 - the MZ-60 is 
>way more advanced. So, I say that it does not exist such a thing as "usual 
>Pentax entry level". Everyone of them has been quite unusual in my opinion.

No way - MZ-60 is crappy little thing. It has no cable release socket, doesn't accept 
any macro accessories, not even the A-series lenses, for example. ANY Z-series camera 
is better than the MZ-60

>In Sweden, the *ist with FAJ 28-80 will sell for the same price as the 
>MZ-6/ZX-L with FA 28-90.

Yet the MZ-6 offers the compatibility. Who cares for 16-segment matrix - the 6-segment 
one does its job very good. Who cares for the 11-point AF - most of the Pentax users 
use only the central sensors and recompose...

>The MZ-5n is more expensive. So, the *ist replaces the entry level MZ-6/MZ-7 
>and Pentax may abandon the entry-entry level market (or lowering the price 
>of the MZ-6 so that it replaces the MZ-60).

Sincere thanks to Pentax for such a replacement for the MZ-6. I don't think I'll have 

>We don\'t know how the *ist D performs yet. Pixels aren\'t everything.
>Sigma SD9 is 3.3Mp if I remember correctly now, but thank\'s to it\'s Foveon 
>technology - it has 10 million photo sensors. Fuji claims that their 3Mp 
>cameras outputs 6mp... thank\'s to the Super CCD technology. There\'s more to 
>a camera than no. of Mp. So, let\'s wait with the judgement until we actually 
>can try the camera and see how it performs in real life. One shouldn\'t judge 
>cameras by technical sepcifications only.

Of course there's a lot more to the digital camera - like, say FireWire interface in 
the SD9. Or the ability to use IS/USM lenses on the D60...

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