----- Original Message -----
From: "Lukasz Kacperczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lens Mount Progress

> I don't agree. Dynax 7 is a very different camera, built with a very
> different philosophy.

Actually this can be said about any other camera from any manufacturer. I
believe every manufacturer makes different cameras with different
philosophy:) And that's the point of comparing them to each other. The specs
of the Dynax 7 place this camera together with the MZ-S in the same segment
of the market. Nikon and Canon lack such cameras - I believe the EOS 5 falls
into the same category but it's a very outdated camera which should rather
be compared to the Z-1p or something...

> Agreed. Still, for me, the advantages of the MZ-S are more important than
> those of the Dynax 7 (that's why I bought the latter :-)

You mean *the former*, don't you?:) For me the most importand advantage of
the MZ-S is that it accepts all K-mount lenses.

> That's the biggest advantage (especially in Poland where the MZ-S is
> outrageously expensive).


> Disclaimer - I'm not saying the Dynax 7 is a bad camera. I'm saying that I
> prefer the MZ-S.

Of course.

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