On June 18, 2003 01:30 pm, Bruce Dayton wrote:
> Nick,
> I think that pretty much holds true even at MF.  I have yet to hear a
> complaint about the 67 lens mount or the metering modes (or lack) that
> it has.
> Oh, the tangled web of the 35mm world...

        I was more joking about the lack of built in meters with LF. OTOH LF really 
is the simplest thing out there. If the lens isn't so big it breaks the 
camera it can be mounted with some fairly simple tools on almost any camera. 
The postman brought a new to me 210mm lens yesterday. 10 minutes with the 
bandsaw and the drill press and the lens is on a board for the camera. The 
thing is this lens didn't start out a camera lens but a process lens. Now if 
only I hadn't been outbid on that clamp on shutter last month-(((


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