
I think that pretty much holds true even at MF.  I have yet to hear a
complaint about the 67 lens mount or the metering modes (or lack) that
it has.

Oh, the tangled web of the 35mm world...


Wednesday, June 18, 2003, 9:47:43 AM, you wrote:

NZ> On June 18, 2003 11:47 am, Bruce Dayton wrote:
>> mike,
>> Funny thing, once you move past 35mm into something bigger, then all
>> this arguing about whose weeny little camera is better doesn't matter
>> so much.  All of the 35mm bodies have that same liability - small
>> negative.

NZ>         And once you get to LF no more complaining about lens mounts or the fact 
NZ> don't meter-)))

NZ> Nick

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