fastpat wrote:

> Robert, if you think the MZ-S is overpriced, compare it to
> cameras in terms of build quality, as well as features.

The MZ-S does not compare at all favourably with the Canon
EOS 3 and Nikon F100.  It is obviously better than the Canon
Rebel and Nikon F80 (N80 in USA), but costs a whole lot

I think the MZ-S is a huge disappointment at its price
point, except for die hard Pentax users who don't want to
change brands.

>It's built to a
> noticeably higher standard than any other 35mm in the
present Pentax line.

That's merely indicative of the low standard of other
current Pentax bodies.

> I have to agree with another list member (I've forgotten
his name) who found
> no desire at all to use his MZ-5n, now that he has an
MZ-S.  The difference
> in feel and quality is that obvious.

See comments above.

> As for features, it has all most people need.  More
features does not always
> mean more <useful> features.  When shooting beside someone
with a D100, see
> how they envy the better low-light AF of the MZ-S, just
for starters.

You're comparing two different things.  Compare the MZ-S
with the Nikon F100 and you will see the clear superiority
of the F100 which sold at a similar price when the MZ-S was
introduced.  In the UK at least, Pentax had to slash the
selling price of the MZ-S because it offered so much less
than the F100 at the same price.

> As for price, here in Canada the MZ-S costs $1599Cdn, and
people are willing
> to pay it, including myself, and two other camera club
members so far.  To
> sum up, it's a great camera, and worth the money.

Only to people who have already made a significant
investment in Pentax gear.  The MZ-S is not going to win any
converts to Pentax.


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