
Rob Brigham wrote:
> I have thought about it, honestly, for many years - but it just seems
> like too much of a pain in the a**e.  I really like the look of the 645,
> didn't really like the 67 (sorry brothers), especially the finder.  Its
> been a constant should I, shouldn't I situation.  I think what has
> ultimately stopped me is that I just don't get enough time to engage my
> pasisions for landscapes these days due to family commitments and the
> fact that I work long hours so every moment with them is precious.  In
> years to come I can drag the kids over mountains with me - and maybe
> they can carry the heavy MF gear!  The developing and viewing really
> puts me off too - stuck with specialist places at expensive prices, not
> being able to view the slides except on a light table under a loupe or
> scanning - expensive for a proper film scanner, and lots of work.  35mm
> film is 'good enough' for my purposes in that respect.  Digital would be
> too - at a stretch, if only it could do wide angles.

I meant, really, large format.  Capes, dark slides and suchlike.  It's
the way I am leaning to at present.  Just bought a Jobo processor from
our lovely NHS.  They got it for an O.T. unit and never used it.  It
will do all my 35mm, MF and potential LF needs for the forseeable
future.  Won't tell you what I paid, you'll just start crying.....


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