----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tanya Mayer Photography"
Subject: Re: Just one tip

> - when I get to
> consistentantly producing 22 salable shots per 24 roll, I will be "happy"
> some degree with my own competency level.  But until then, I still think,
> basically that I'm not worthy of people's $$$$....

Tanya, that is bullshit. What it means is that you shoot an extra couple of
rolls of film on any given job to get the number of hits you need, increase
your prices to compensate the extra material cost, and get on with life.
When your hit percentage increases to where you want it to be, which is
unreralistic at the moment, but you'll either figure that out on your own,
or you'll slit your wrists, you can cut back on the amount of film you have
to shoot, raise your prices again because you are a better photographer, and
put the extra money towards something nice.
At least thats what I think anyway.

William Robb

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