All Pentax lenses starting with the "A" series have been designed so that moving the stopdown lever a precise linear distance changes the f-stop one stop, so cameras designed to use those lenses can set the aperture that way. K and M lenses do not have calibrated linear movement so used a feedback lever to tell the camera body what aperture the lens was set to. The coupling for that lever has been left out of the *ist series cameras. That is why A and later lenses work fine, but they need a work around to use the meter with K and M lenses.

As far as I know the only recent body to have that feedback lever coupling is the top of the line MZ-S which fact in itself tells you how Pentax is thinking about this.


Antonio wrote:

Now I am getting a little confused. So there must be a lever on the ist for
it to set the apeture on the lens, correct?


On 19/9/04 3:09 pm, "John Forbes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, but there is no need to set the aperture on the lens when you can set
it on the camera (I'm talking about A and later lenses).  Why provide two
ways to do something?  It just increases cost and complexity.


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