It is interesting how a reputation can continue on long after it is no longer deserved. Nikon (at least Nikon USA) "PRO" service is no longer much worth a crap. At one time (back in the EPOC days) it was the best in the world. Now it is pretty much a joke. (An insider joke I admit. The pros themselves know, but most of the amateurs haven't figured it out yet.) which is why Canon has taken so much of the Photojournalism market away from them. Oh yes Nikon still makes really good pro level equipment, but they no longer provide the service needed to maintain viability in that market.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"
Jon Glass wrote:

3. Sales and service. This is where Nikon seems to blow the competition away, and Canon follows a close second, and the rest trail far behind. Even the LX may not fair so well in this regard. I don't know, I never owned an LX, and certainly not when it was being produced. Also, in most major cities, it is possible to rent Nikon equipment, and also Canon. Does anybody even offer these services for Minolta and Pentax equipment? This is where the concept of "pro" really separates the manufacturers. "Pro" takes a commitment from the manufacturer as well. Nikon is renowned for this. I don't know if they have earned it, or still deserve it. I only know their reputation.

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