Ok, I'll put my newbie DSLR two cents in on this one. I could care less about a new body announcement at PMA. Actually, I hope there isn't one because number 1)I don't have the funds to get one right now, 2) I'm still trying to figure out how to fully utilize the DS and DL bodies capabilities that I already own, 3) no new body means I can look for another lens or two. I guess one of the main reasons I bought the DS as my first DSLR in the first place was because of its small size, ability to use a wide variety of lenses and the quality of construction as wells as image quality using higher ISO speeds. All that is still working for me right now. But I can see where other more experienced and specialized shooters might be discouraged with the speed of development/production with Pentax. Wildlife photography for instance. The gear available right now for say shooting birds in flight or other similar subjects is somewhat limited. Oh well, I don't see myself jumping platforms anytime soon, I have way too much yet to learn. Overall I am quite happy with the current equipment, but I just wish the good Pentax glass was not so difficult to find.


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