On Feb 16, 2006, at 5:58 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

Adornments help. I've never been particularly fashion conscious and I in my 20's I was very fond of my very comfy old ripped jeans (the type that could potentially lead to public exposure charges) however I also drove a late model Porsche. So even though I literally looked like I had the a** out of my pants I could generally easily secure a test drive in any top end vehicle so long as I
made it plain what I was driving.

Reminds me of a guy who used to work for me in my camera shop back in the early 70s. He came from a "money" family, and drove a new Porsche. He also wore torn up jeans and went around barefoot. I put up with his eccentricities because he knew cameras inside out and was the proverbial salesman who could sell ice makers to Eskimos. He also had a sharp wit. His name's Fred.

I don't know if I told this story here before, but since it's an actual Pentax story I'll tell it again. People around here are mostly "good ol' boys". Country people. They have trouble with "furrin" words like Asahi.

One day this good ol' boy came in the shop, walked over to the counter, and asked Fred, "You got any o' them Ass-High Pentax cameras?" Without pausing for a second, Fred turned to the shelf behind him, took down a Pentax 6 X 7, put it in front of the fellow, and said," No sir, this is the biggest one we carry."

I made a quick retreat into the office before I collapsed in laughter.


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