On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 06:23:41AM -0800, Shel Belinkoff wrote:
> A couple of years ago I was watching a fellow shoot a portrait for cover
> for a local magazine.  He was using a 'blad, and shot three rolls of what
> was essentially the same pose, changed the setup, and shot another three
> rolls of that scene.  I talked with him a bit and asked why he shot so many
> frames of the same scene.  Apart from saying that he looks for subtle
> variations in each picture, he also mentioned that with the mirror blackout
> he never really knows what he's got, so he shoots a lot of frames for
> insurance.  I'm sure he'd have shot a lot of frames anyway, but perhaps the
> need to deal with unknown results due to mirror blackout caused an increase
> in the number shot.
> The rangefinder doesn't change the outcome but it does allow the
> photographer to be aware of what he's caught on film, and that knowledge
> can make the difference between a keeper or a tosser ;-))

Digital, of course, let's you see exactly what you caught, immediately.
Otherwise it's hard to be sure if that blink you spotted results in a
sultry expression, with eyes half closed, or a blank, eyeless shot.

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