On 24/01/07, William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've run into a couple of sellers who won't leave feedback until the buyer
> has left feedback. In these instances, I was tempted to leave negative
> feedback at the last second, better judgement for once ruled the day.
> However, I won't deal with those sellers again, being suspicious that their
> business paractices are perhaps a bit shady.

>From my experience the vast majority of sellers are like this, it
definitely seems to be the rule more than the exception. I'm generally
a prompt payer as a buyer yet there are many instances where I've not
received feedback until well after I've left feedback or not at all.
As a seller I virtually always leave feedback once payment has cleared
in my account. The exception might be where the buyer is obviously
belligerent and potentially a source of trouble ie suggests that I
deviate from my terms post auction for instance demanding that I
accept Paypal payments, credit card payments, escrow etc when my terms
state plainly that they are not options.

I've mainly sold on eBay and I've only ever received one negative from
an idiot who simply changed his mind about his interest in the
transaction and left me a neg without warning. I've left more feedback
than I've received, I guess in part because I don't use it as
leverage. Then again some people are just lazy and either don't
understand the feedback concept or simply can't be bothered, those
people never bid on my auctions again.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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