In a message dated 11/18/01 4:08:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> How hard is it really to spend a few
> hours (or even
> > an entire day if you have a huge collection) every 20-30 years
> > transferring your data?  Doesn't sound too unreasonable to me.

Can we say: "affordability"? The gist of the "data transfer" thread assumes 
(mightily), that tens of millions of folks are going to buy the latest 
storage medium then transfer again every time the storage medium changes. 
Businesses who have a vested interest in maintaining access to their 
products, (music, radio, television, video and movies, businesses) regularly 
and readily transfer property to new storage technology. Ted Turner is the 
Guru of the genre, by now having copied and restored the entire MGM movie 

Not so we consumers. There are tens of millions of 78rpm records out there 
whose owners have not or do not think about transferring their data. Ditto 
for 8-track tapes, 45rpm records, 8 and 16mm movies. Why? 
Transferring data is damned expense is one why. Nostalgia in the guise of 
being or owning contemporary stuff costs like h*ll.
Here we are on this list, most of whom still harbor the "boxes under the bed" 
storage system. Why don't they (PDMLers), 100% of them, knowing what they 
know, transfer their slide/negative/print data as per new storage medium? 
Again, because the transfer is 1. Expense (priced a quality DVD-R or RW 
machine lately)? 2. labor intensive 3. Time-consuming 4. boring. 

Large newspapers/magazines keep huge amounts of their staff busy archiving, 
transferring their merchant and intellectual properties on microfilm and 
other storage media.
Those with a vested interest in maintaining their intellectual or creative 
property do. Those without-don't. As I noted, transferring my 
negatives/prints to CD didn't reduce the storage space used, just made it 
more accessible. And who, beside me, gives a hoot about my images? The 
copyrighted material is safe, the rest of it is but a salve to my ego, but of 
no great value to anyone but me and I'm not so sure I give a hoot about 
images I made which I'm not likely to benefit from.
I just finished my last transfer of my entire image data. If CD-RW and my Zip 
250 can't serve me into the near future, I know they are the ~last~ changes 
I'll make in my storage procedures. 

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