----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Sullivan"
Subject: Re: Myopic Bulls**t Artists
Bill R, after your retail experiences, I can't believe you want to
keep that last 10% of the asshole customers who cause you all those
First, the number of "problem customers" is nowhere near that high, i would
say less than 1/10 of 1%, and no, you encourage them to shop elsewhere. If
you have a good business model, customers who want to cause problems don't
get to do so.
If you refuse to serve 10% of the people who walk in your door, you will
very quickly find yourself in a position where no one comes in any longer.
I mean really Bob, you retailed hamburgers for at least some your working
career, did you see 10% of your customers as undesirable? Did wanting to
look after their health and refusing the high profit "Supersize" option
cause you to want to kick their sorry asses out the door for having anti
corporate thoughts?
Did you refuse to serve the people who just stopped in for a coffee because
they were a low profit maker for you?
What if they didn't want an order of fries with the Filet O Fish? Kick them
out because they stole your profit margin on the meal?
Lets get real here for just a moment. You serve who comes in your door. It's
what you take on when you open a store, whether you are flogging hamburgers
ar cameras.
And when a customer brings a mis marked item to the till, you sell it to him
for the price it is marked at, you don't villify him because you fucked up.
I asked Paul this, though it went unanswered, I suspect because it would
have gone against the cheerleading he was doing for Robin Hood Photo, so
I'll ask you as well.
You take a quart of milk up to the cash register and are told that the price
marked is actually per pint even though it clearly indicates per quart on
the price tag.
Do you happily pay double?
Do you think that the store has a right to brand you as a "problem" if you
I am interested to read your thoughts on this.
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