On May 16, 2010, at 5:54 PM, John Sessoms wrote:

> From: frank theriault
>> Or more specifically the sensor in my *istD.
>> Is this a do-at-home project or something best left to professionals?
>> If I can do it myself, how?
>> If I take it to a shop, what's a reasonable price?
> My personal choice is to leave it to the professional. I'm afraid I'd be a 
> little ham-handed and could end up spending a LOT more for repairs.
> If you're going to attempt it yourself, start here:
> http://www.cleaningdigitalcameras.com/index.html
> Forty to fifty dollars USD is not unreasonable IF the shop does a good job. I 
> had it done once a year.
> The problem is finding a shop that DOES do a good job. I wouldn't trust most 
> chain stores (like Wolf/Ritz).
> Nikon/Canon offered cleanings at $40 per at the CNPA (Carolinas Nature 
> Photography Association) annual convention, and they would take all comers, 
> Nikon/Canon or not ... up until this year when Nikon dropped out and the 
> Canon rep would only do Canon.
> Don't know yet who I'm going to go to now.

I wouldn't trust anyone cleaning my sensor other than the manufacturer's 
service center. And I'd be nervous about having them do it. 

I simply use an ear blower that was sterile when I bought it. It's kept in a 
box when not in use. If it can't remove a speck, I use the Pentax sensor 
cleaner, which is quite easy to use and very effective:

As one user notes in the amazon reviews, it looks like the kit includes less 
than a buck worth of material. But it works very well. To me, that makes it a 
good buy.


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