On 5/16/2010 7:49 PM, William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "frank theriault"
Subject: Cleaning Sensors

Or more specifically the sensor in my *istD.

Is this a do-at-home project or something best left to professionals?

If I can do it myself, how?

If I take it to a shop, what's a reasonable price?


This make people cringe, but I lock the mirror up and shoot the sensor with canned gas.
It seems to work, and I haven't hurt anything yet.
I mentioned this on ForumsNeurotica and got soundly thrashed for recommending a cleaning method that would surely wreck the camera, so I challenged the good people there to come up with one single instance where they could verify canned gas wrecking a camera. The closest I got was a guy who met a guy coming out of a camera store who had apparently done some damage to his camera while cleaning it, but it wasn't really verifiable that the canned gas was the culprit...

William Robb

I do the same thing. Buy a good quality brand and there's no problems. I did have a bargain price product that spit liquid propellant, which would probably craze the low pass filter, but I'd never use that on anything sensitive.

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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 I've just upgraded to Thunderbird 3.0 and the 
interface subtly weird.\par

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