Larry Colen wrote:

Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

Different situation entirely. PCDOS was a very simple thing by
comparison to the graphical UI Macintosh OS and didn't require hardly
anything at all to write code for, other than a language and a code
generator. It was an out of date computer practically before it shipped.

The Lisa and then the Mac were well ahead of their time.

Not only were they ahead of their time, they were way ahead of their
hardware too. It wasn't until the 21st century that my experiences on
macs weren't painfully slow because of all of the frosting and
sprinkles. And, boy howdy were they counter intuitive. Pictographic
languages might be fine if you're Chinese, but how the hell am I
supposed to guess what circle-squiggle-splat means?

At least with OSX you could get to a bash prompt and have a user
interface designed for grownups.

And for the record, I'm no Microsoft fanboy, I will voluntarily use a mac. I've bought one computer that came with Windows that I did not convert to Linux. But, when I bought that laptop sometime around 1991, I don't think that there was anyone using Linux that wasn't named Linus. The best reasons to use Windows are about the same as to use a Canon, they are like assholes, everybody seems to have one. Some might argue that they share another trait with assholes, but I'll pretend that this is a family friendly forum and leave that as an exercise for the student.

Seriously, every operating system sucks, and even the ones that suck a little bit less, even if they start out with a decent UI on top of it, pretty soon some pointy haired diptwaddle from marketing will insist on replacing it with one that they thinks looks pretty even if it makes it impossible to do anything more useful than firing up facebook. In their quest to make it so that a mentally deficient bonobo can use it after three beers, they make it useless to anyone smarter than that same bonobo when it's sober.

At least most of the Open Source operating systems give you your choice of user interfaces. Unfortunately, most of them seem to have been designed by a really smart teenager, with a clever idea, and no training in human factors design and more interest in adding features than fixing bugs.

No matter what operating system you use, it is going to suck. You just have to find the one that sucks the least for the things that you need to do with it and remember that for anyone who doesn't share your exact same set of needs, it is going to totally blow.

Larry Colen (postbox on min4est)

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