On Sun, 10 Nov 2002, Keith Whaley wrote:
> And, for the 1/10th of 1% that you actually use and enjoy, you're
> going thru all that sweat and tears?
> Nah, not me, thanks...

I'm a longstanding computer geek, and every computer I've owned for the
last 10 years or so has had a copy of Photoshop on it..Not because I
needed it, but because it was expected.

I've never bother to do anything of note in it, until recently.. The last
few times I've turned the PC on, I've learned how to use curves and levels
to make a nicer looking image, and how to clone out dust. Then I learned
how to correctly resize images and DPI for printing.

Is there more to photoshop? Oh yeah.
Do I need to learn it? Nope. I can do everything I need to, and it was
actually pretty easy to learn.

http://www.infotainment.org       <->     more fun than a poke in your eye.
http://www.eighteenpercent.com    <->     photography and portfolio.

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