On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Keith Whaley wrote:
> How did it GET There?

-cough- That would be TELLING.

Anyways, I was a 13 year old geek when I got my first PC (from a trash bin
in the very industrial park I now work), before that I had my share of

At the time, we all pirated software to our heart's content. It was
expected of us. To say nothing of the old "warez" boards I frequented,
sysop'd on, and the short lived glory days of being in our very own group
(for the record, we had one release, we trumped the big guys, and I still
have the .nfo file somewhere).

So, anyway, yeah..

> > Not because I needed it, but because it was expected.
> Expected to BE there, by you? Did you ask for it to be loaded by the
> seller of the CPU?

Again, computer geeks are expected to have computers glutted to the gills
with all sorts of fanciful software they didn't use except to make the
occasional bas relief filtered image. ;)

> Okay, points taken. Thanks for the words...

Seriously, its pretty easy to do teh basics.. I'm still figuring out the
indepth parts of curves and levels, but cloning to spot is a godsend.

http://www.infotainment.org       <->     more fun than a poke in your eye.
http://www.eighteenpercent.com    <->     photography and portfolio.

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