Your comments understood and agreed with...

That's about what I'd need/want to do, as well.

Other comments within the text below...

gfen wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Nov 2002, Keith Whaley wrote:
> > And, for the 1/10th of 1% that you actually use and enjoy, you're
> > going thru all that sweat and tears?
> > Nah, not me, thanks...
> I'm a longstanding computer geek, and every computer I've owned for the
> last 10 years or so has had a copy of Photoshop on it..

How did it GET There?

> Not because I needed it, but because it was expected.

Expected to BE there, by you? Did you ask for it to be loaded by the
seller of the CPU?
> I've never bother to do anything of note in it, until recently.. The last
> few times I've turned the PC on, I've learned how to use curves and levels
> to make a nicer looking image, and how to clone out dust. Then I learned
> how to correctly resize images and DPI for printing.
> Is there more to photoshop? Oh yeah.
> Do I need to learn it? Nope. I can do everything I need to, and it was
> actually pretty easy to learn.

Okay, points taken. Thanks for the words...

keiht whaley

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