Guys if you have limited experience with photoshop, I highly recommend 
photodeluxe which is also made by adobe and comes free with many decent Epson 
printers and various scanners. It really is simple to use and guides you 
through most steps with ease. It can do most of what photoshop can do 
(including layers) and generally do it easier (at least for beginners) Once 
you get good at it, set it on advanced mode and it's even closer to photoshop.


In a message dated 11/11/02 11:39:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< gfen wrote, re Photoshop:

= snipped =

> Seriously, its pretty easy to do the basics.. I'm still figuring out the
> in depth parts of curves and levels, but cloning to spot is a godsend.

Huh? "[C]loning to spot" is outside my understanding. Please elucidate!

keith whaley >>

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