On Tuesday 19 November 2002 17:46, William Robb wrote:

> For myself, I think a Yashicamat is a better student camera than
> a K-1000, as it takes the student into the realm of quality
> imaging, something that no 35mm camera is capable of doing. The
> format itself cripples the student.
> And thats neither heresy or opinion.
> Thats fact based on 2 decades of teaching this stuff to students
> of photography.
> Your opinion may vary.

This is a pretty bold statement.  My only experience with formats other than 
35mm is with a 4x5 press camera.  And that was just messing around one day 
with the 6x9 120 back.

How is 35mm format crippling the students?  Not trying to start a war, just 


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