Jeff D., list,

I re-read my post below and realize that my main two points probably got lost in the chatter, and they were in support of you. I meant

1. that it does make sense to speak of hypotheses in phaneroscopy since it makes sense (in Peirce's later opinion and FWIW in mine) to speak of reasoning in phaneroscopy, and 2. that (although I had raised loosely Peirce-based doubts about it in earlier messages) mathematical hypotheses are comparable, in regard to their potential for shedding explanatory light, with hypotheses in other fields, so your desire to compare phaneroscopic hypotheses with mathematical ones makes sense.

* * *

I didn't go far enough in saying how imaginary and complex numbers are hypotheses that help simplify (and indeed explain) things about real numbers. An example that I vaguely remembered from some book but didn't dig up till the other day:

   The impetus to study complex numbers proper first arose in the 16th
   century when algebraic solutions for the roots of cubic and quartic
   polynomials were discovered by Italian mathematicians (see Niccolò
   Fontana Tartaglia, Gerolamo Cardano). It was soon realized that
   these formulas, even if one was only interested in real solutions,
   sometimes required the manipulation of square roots of negative numbers.
   [End quote from ]

As regards non-Archimedean numbers, I didn't know till yesterday that p-adic numbers are non-Archimedean. They were regarded, like the nonstandard reals later on, as playthings by some, but are now regarded as co-equal to the reals, according to (peirce-l member) Joseph W. Dauben in "Abraham Robinson and Nonstandard Analysis: History, Philosophy, and Foundations of Mathematics" in _History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics_. If nonstandard reals are just another way of talking about certain limits, why not vice versa? That idea is probably riskier than I know, since I don't know enough about math. And then of course there are further things, such as superreals and surreals.

Best, Ben

On 11/4/2015 9:41 AM, Benjamin Udell wrote:

Jeff D., Jon A., list,

Jeff, you wrote,

    Peirce points out that inquiry in phenomenology is different in a
number of respects from inquiry in the other parts of philosophy. He says: It can hardly be said to involve reasoning; for
    reasoning reaches a conclusion, and asserts it to be true however
    matters may seem; while in Phenomenology there is no assertion
    except that there are certain seemings; and even these are not,
    and cannot be asserted, because they cannot be described. CP
    2.197  Having said that, he makes a very interesting remark:
    “Phenomenology can only tell the reader which way to look and to
    see what he shall see.”  This remark makes me think that one of
    the tasks of phenomenology might be to articulate precepts that
    can guide us in making and analyzing our observations.  As such, I
    have a hunch that we might learn something by drawing a more
    detailed comparison between the precepts that guide us in doing
    math and the “precepts” that might guide our observational activities.
    [End quote]

That remark by Peirce was made circa 1902 in "Minute Logic." Even then he goes on to say "The question of how far Phenomenology does reason will receive special attention." Two or so years later, circa 1904 he does allow of proof (a kind of reasoning) in phaneroscopy I'm not sure how he arrived from the first position to the second; maybe he decided that reasoning in phaneroscopy asserts a conclusion as true, not _/despite/_ how things seem but instead _/on the basis of/_ how things seem. Maybe reasoning isn't automatically supposed to assert a conclusion as holding in spite of appearances. Reasoning could still assert a conclusion as holding in spite of something. If the question's other elements are brought back in, then the idea seems that phaneroscopy asserts a conclusion as true, not _/despite/_ how things seem, much less _/on the basis of/_ physical, psychological, metaphysical, etc. explanations of the seemings, — but instead _/on the basis of/_ how things seem _/even despite/_ various (physical, psychological, metaphysical, etc.) explanations of the seemings.

On the comparability of mathematical hypotheses with hypotheses in other fields, something that has occurred to me is that maybe Peirce went too far in regarding mathematical hypotheses not as scientific acts and leaving it at that. A context of this, in the history of mathematics, has finally come back to me. Various new abstractions were introduced, not quite as explanations, but still as simplifiers.

As Peirce points out, mathematicians dislike exceptions. In real numbers without imaginary numbers, each positive number has two square roots, one cube root, two fourth roots, etc., while each negative number has no square roots, one cube root, no fourth roots, etc. Thanks to imaginary numbers, every real number except zero has _/n/_ _/nth/_ roots, and so does every imaginary number and every complex number, and a solution exists for every polynomial equation of one degree or higher. Mathematicians resisted introducing or accepting such abstractions unless they shed light on abstractions already accepted. Some debate about non-Archimedean numbers is about how seriously they should be taken if they don't help solve problems in Archimedean numbers that can't be solved just with Archimedean numbers. Dieudonné in his math article (in some version of the Encyclopedia Britannica's 15th edition) talks about abstractionism as a somewhat controversial movement in mathematics toward free-wheeling abstraction. Maybe Peirce took anti-abstractionism as tending to block inquiry and, in that light, thought that judging a mathematical hypothesis, from the start, as a scientific act misses something about the nature and role of mathematical hypotheses. Maybe he's right, but that shouldn't stop us from seeing what a mathematical hypothesis, postulate, etc., has in common with explanatory hypotheses in science generally.

From "F.R.L. [First Rule of Logic]" CP 1.136 .

    Although it is better to be methodical in our investigations, and
    to consider the economics of research, yet there is no positive
    sin against logic in trying any theory which may come into our
    heads, so long as it is adopted in such a sense as to permit the
    investigation to go on unimpeded and undiscouraged.
    [End quote]

Best, Ben

On 11/2/2015 10:28 AM, Jeffrey Brian Downard wrote:

Hi Jon, Ben, Lists,

Jon seems to be suggesting that the relations of dependence between math and the parts of philosophy that he sketches in a diagram (he provides a link to a blog entry) helps to show where I might be heading down the wrong track as I explore the relations between math, phenomenology and the normative sciences for the sake of trying to clarifying what phenomenology is and how we might use it for the sake of doing math or philosophy. Quite a lot has been written on Peirce's classification of the sciences. I won't try to review the literature.

Let me point out, however, that Jon's sketch is at odds with a number of things Peirce says. Let me draw on some points that Beverley Kent develops in her monograph on these classificatory matters. Here are a few points to consider:

Phenomenology draws on mathematics. The relations between the sciences are not simple. Rather, they are relatively complex. In order to understand Peirce's classification, we have to consider the different kinds of relations that obtain. Ben shared a table drawn from Peirce's classification that can be used to help sort out a number of the different kinds of relations. For the sake of brevity, let's narrow things down to a relatively small number of questions:

a) Does one science appeal to another for its principles? If so, then which? b) Does one science appeal to another for its questions and problems? If so, then how? c) Does one science draw on the subject matter of another science for some of its data? d) Does one science depend upon another for assistance in analyzing the data, identifying possible sources of observational error, or correcting for such observational errors. e) Does one science depend upon another for assistance in refining its methods, or for ins truction in how to draw its inferences? If so, then what kind of assistance is needed? f) Does one science provide some of the tests needed to help confirm the results arrived at in another science. If so, then what kinds of tests are needed?

If Jon were to correct his diagram by showing that phenomenology draws on math for its conceptions and principles, and then make the lines of connections arrows that are going up, then he would have a simple but helpful picture that we could use to help answer question (a). Having said that, the diagram doesn't capture the relations needed to answer questions b-f. In order to answer those questions, we'd need to examine the following distinction that Peirce emphasizes. As science can be thought of as a body of results. It can also be thought of as a living community engaged in inquiry. The answers we give to a-f will depend upon which of these two aspects of a science we're talking about.

So, let me ask, what does phenomenology "draw" from the other sciences--especially from math and the normative sciences? What does phenomenology offer to the other sciences--especially math and the normative sciences? Let us consider what phenomenology draws from math. Mathematics studies the formal relations that obtain between hypotheses concerning idealized states of affairs. Theorematic reasoning in math relies, crucially, on the construction of diagrams and experiments that we conduct by manipulating the parts of the diagrams. Phenomenology can and should draw on conceptions from math for the purposes of clarifying the kinds of formal relations that might possibly obtain between the elements in our experience. This shouldn’t be too surprising given the fact that the elementary relations that comprise the hypotheses for mathematics are, of course, drawn from experience.

Peirce points out that inquiry in phenomenology is different in a number of respects from inquiry in the other parts of philosophy. He says: It can hardly be said to involve reasoning; for reasoning reaches a conclusion, and asserts it to be true however matters may seem; while in Phenomenology there is no assertion except that there are certain seemings; and even these are not, and cannot be asserted, because they cannot be described. CP 2.197 Having said that, he makes a very interesting remark: “Phenomenology can only tell the reader which way to look and to see what he shall see.” This remark makes me think that one of the tasks of phenomenology might be to articulate precepts that can guide us in making and analyzing our observations. As such, I have a hunch that we might learn something by drawing a more detailed comparison between the precepts that guide us in doing math and the “precepts” that might guide our observational activities.

Peirce concludes by adding this rejoinder: “The question of how far Phenomenology does reason will receive special attention.” Any suggestions for where in the text we might look to see where Peirce gave the matter special attention? This passage is from the Minute Logic, which is from 1902. I'm guessing that Peirce was intending to take up that question more directly in another part of that work. In chapter 3 of the Minute Logic (CP 4.227 following), Peirce is developing the simplest parts of mathematics, which consist in the dichotomic and trichotomic systems of mathematical logic. He is drawing on a number of other areas of mathematics in the development of these systems, including graph theory, various parts of algebra, and some interesting analysis of different ways of putting things into relations of correspondence that bear a striking similarity to what has come, in the 20th century, to be called the functor relation in category theory. Most of the discussion is just about math and mathematical logic. Late in the chapter, however, he steps back at 4.318 and asks "What is experience?" This question of phenomenology has, I believe, been bubbling beneath the surface of the discussion throughout the entire chapter. What might this chapter teach us about the kind of reasoning that that is needed in phenomenology?


Jeff Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
(o) 523-8354

From: Jon Awbrey []
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2015 7:12 AM
To: Jeffrey Brian Downard;; PEIRCE-L
Subject: Re: Peirce's Categories

Jeff, List,

I have to be traveling again and won't be able to get back to this, except in mobile bits and snatches, until the middle of next week. I collected a few links and thoughts pertinent to this part of the discussion in the following blog post:


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