Franklin, my responses inserted below.


Gary f.


From: Franklin Ransom [] 
Sent: 13-Nov-15 15:02
To: 1 <>
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Terms, Propositions, Arguments


Gary F, list,


Seeing as how discussion has gotten far away from "Vol.2 of CP, on Induction," 
I feel it is best to change the subject, and thus the thread, of the 
discussion. Hopefully the subject is sufficiently vague.


I have re-read KS through. With respect to Peirce's use of the word "sign" 
instead of "proposition" in the paragraph at issue, I still think that Peirce 
was deliberately including all signs, and not simply propositions. 

GF: In the paragraph at issue, Peirce is clearly defining two kinds of signs as 
parts of other signs: “If a sign, B, only signifies characters that are 
elements (or the whole) of the meaning of another sign, A, then B is said to be 
a predicate (or essential part) of A. If a sign, A, only denotes real objects 
that are a part or the whole of the objects denoted by another sign, B, then A 
is said to be a subject (or substantial part) of B.” Do you not agree that 
these are definitions of predicate and subject?


Peirce then proceeds to define depth and breadth in terms of predicates and 

“The totality of the predicates of a sign, and also the totality of the 
characters it signifies, are indifferently each called its logical depth. … The 
totality of the subjects, and also, indifferently, the totality of the real 
objects of a sign is called the logical breadth.” Now, when you say that 
“Peirce was deliberately including all signs, and not simply propositions”, are 
you claiming that all signs have depth and breadth? According to Peirce’s 
definition here, a sign can have depth only if it has predicates and signifies 
characters. Do all signs do that? Likewise, in order to have breadth, a sign 
must have subjects and real objects. Do all signs have those? If not, how can 
you claim that the referent of the term “a sign” in those definitions can be 
any sign at all? Peirce’s definitions specify that a sign that has depth and 
breadth (and thus can convey information) must have predicate(s) and 
subject(s). Does that apply to all kinds of sign?


But I have a thought about what is going on in the text that may explain the 
way in which he is discussing signs, though I suppose it might be somewhat 
unorthodox. Consider that we have just been discussing cases where Peirce 
remarks that propositions and arguments may be regarded as terms, and 
alternatively that terms and propositions may be regarded as arguments. Perhaps 
in KS, what we have is Peirce suggesting that terms and arguments may be 
regarded as propositions.


In the case of arguments, Peirce makes the point explicit: "That a sign cannot 
be an argument without being a proposition is shown by attempting to form such 
an argument" (EP2, p.308).


In the case of terms, this requires a little argumentation. It is clear that 
terms have logical quantity. In particular, natural classes like "man" have 
informed logical quantity; or more simply, information. Although it is true 
that Peirce says "[b]ut 'man' is never used alone, and would have no meaning by 
itself" (ibid, p.309-310), it is also true that in ULCE, the information of a 
term is determined by the totality of synthetic propositions in which the term 
participates as either predicate or subject; its informed depth and breadth is 
due to the cases in which the term is not used alone, but with respect to other 
terms in propositions. In the case of being used as predicate, it increases in 
informed breadth; in the case of subject, it increases in informed depth. Note 
that when the term appears as a subject, the predicate of the proposition is 
predicated of the term, and that when the term appears as a predicate, it has 
the subject of the proposition as its subject.


Now if we consider the term as a proposition, this would simply amount to 
supposing its logical depth given as predicate and its logical breadth given as 
subject in a proposition. So we could say of man, "All men are 
such-and-such-and-such", and by this we would denote all real objects that are 
men and all the characters that man signifies. This is not a very practical 
thing to do, but it is theoretically possible. It also satisfies what Peirce 
says in the passage when he defines predicate and subject with respect to, not 
simply propositions, but signs in general.


That's the interpretation I'm suggesting, namely that terms can be regarded as 
propositions. There are also some other points that are relevant to the claim 
that Peirce means signs, and not simply propositions. Although Peirce does 
admit that it is the proposition which is the main subject of the scholium as a 
whole, the term "proposition" appears a couple of times before the paragraph in 
question. Moreover, Peirce also goes on to explain rhemas and arguments as well 
after the passage in question, and then comes to focus on the idea of the 
symbol, which applies to all three. And, as I have suggested, Peirce is showing 
how terms and arguments may be regarded as propositions, So while his 
discussion of signs is focused around the idea of proposition, what he says of 
propositions has consequences for our understanding of signs in general, and so 
for terms and arguments. Although "[w]hat we call a 'fact' is something having 
the structure of a proposition, but supposed to be an element of the very 
universe itself," it is also true that "[t]he purpose of every sign is to 
express 'fact,' and by being joined to other signs, to approach as nearly as 
possible to determining an interpretant which would be the perfect Truth, the 
absolute Truth, and as such...would be the very Universe" (ibid, p.304). So 
here we see that fact is focused on the idea of the proposition, but it has 
consequences for how we should understand what all signs are up to, what the 
purpose of every interpretant is, regardless of whether it is the interpretant 
of a proposition or of another type of sign.

GF: I think you’re overlooking Peirce’s statement that signs fulfill that 
purpose by being joined to other signs. Also what he says in the Syllabus and 
elsewhere about how complex signs involve simpler signs, which offers a much 
less convoluted explanation of how all signs play their parts in approaching 
the ideal of the Absolute Truth.


In the “Nomenclature and Divisions of Triadic Relations” (1903) Peirce defines 
a “sign” as “a representamen of which some interpretant is a cognition of a 
mind.” Then in 1909 he writes that: 

“The mode of being of the composition of thought, which is always of the nature 
of the attribution of a predicate to a subject, is the living intelligence 
which is the creator of all intelligible reality, as well as of the knowledge 
of such reality. It is the entelechy, or perfection of being” (CP 6.341, 1909).

What kind of sign joins a predicate to a subject? Do we really want to say that 
all signs do that, or that “terms” do that?


Then, at the end of the text when Peirce revisits the idea of judgment, we find 
him saying the following: "The man is a symbol. Different men, so far as they 
can have any ideas in common, are the same symbol. Judgment is the 
determination of the man-symbol to have whatever interpretant the judged 
proposition has." (ibid, p.324) Now I would suppose that the judgment is a 
certain kind of proposition, but the man-symbol is not likely to be regarded as 
being a proposition, nor an argument. It is a term, but we see in this respect 
that it is like a proposition, because just as the judgment is a determination 
of the man-symbol to have whatever interpretant the judgment has, in turn 
"[a]ssertion is the determination of the man-symbol to determining the 
interpreter, so far as he is interpreter, in the same way" (ibid). That is, the 
man-symbol now acts like a proposition in communicating the interpretant of the 
judged proposition to the interpreter, though the man-symbol is not properly a 
proposition but a term; but despite normally being considered a term, in this 
case it expresses a fact, which is properly what a proposition does.




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