> On Mar 30, 2017, at 3:15 PM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:
> So- given the make-up of the posters on this list and their interest [in 
> philosophy] then, I don't see the point of bringing up the  non-philosophical 
> focus of Peirce's work.

I should note that while my own interests are primarily philosophical, my 
background is actual primarily physics not philosophy. I enjoy the 
non-philosophical topics quite a bit although I often don’t know enough about 
the topic to say much. I’ve brought up some of the non-philosophical topics 
here before too such as the relationship of category theory in advanced physics 
or mathematics as it relates to Peirce. Not that I know much about category 
theory, but a few others made comments I learned from.

So I am actually pretty interesting in the applied semiotics. Indeed while my 
interests are primarily philosophical I’ve read a reasonable amount on applies 
semiotics in various arenas.

I seem to remember a discussion a few months ago on political implications of 
Peirce’s thought. I focused primarily on his more conservative tendencies in 
his critical common sensism but also the focus on inquiry.

Anyway, please comment on the non-philosophical points. Even if I don’t 
typically comment I frequently read them.

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