I agree with that point, and I believe that Peirce would
> we have to consider that some models more accurately
represent this external reality than others - and also, Peirce did feel
that we could, among the 'community of scholars', over time - reach a more
and more accurate representation of this reality. 
But Peirce also
recognized that no finite list of discrete symbols could capture the full
richness, complexity, and continuity of any aspect of the universe. If we
view "reality" through microscopes and telescopes of greater and
greater power, we get totally different "model-based views" at
each order of magnitude from electrons to galaxies.
Even at a human
level, a physicist, chemist, biologist, geologist, physician, pharmacist,
linguist, anthropologist, engineer, lawyer, banker, real-estate developer,
and poet would have radically different models and ways of describing the
same scene. 
 And if you gave them the same instruments for viewing
the scene, they would still have widely different models at each level. 
For that matter, those roles I mentioned above are not mutually
exclusive.  The same person, for different purposes, could apply widely
different models.
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