Jeff, Jon, Dan...
For the past few months, I have been busy with
some critical deadlines and activities that limited my participation in
email discussions.  But I'd like to comment on the many possible views of
Two points by Peirce:
1. Reality is independent of
anything we may think about it.  Although there are many different ways of
thinking and talking about time, there is enough commonality among all
those views to indicate that time is real in some sense.
2. There
are three fundamental universes of discourse:  possibilities, actualities,
and necessities.  Even if some view(s) might banish time from some way of
talking about what actually exists at the current moment, it could still
be real in thinking and talking about memories, plans, hopes, and
And for current discussions in science, I'd like to mention 
"model-dependent realism", as discussed by Stephen Hawking and
Leonard Mlodinow in their 2010 book, _The Grand Design_.
"argue that the quest to discover a final theory may in fact never
to a unique set of equations. Every scientific theory, they write, comes
 with its own model of reality, and it may not make sense to talk of
what reality actually is."  That quotation come from a review in
Many physicists have objected to that view because it would mean
that further progress in physics is impossible.  Others have argued that
it might only be impossible with current technology, and new methods might
be discovered at some time in the future -- perhaps even the far distant
But the notion of model-dependent realism could also be
extended to linguistics, phenomenology, and anthropology.  Every language,
culture, and individual has implicit models that determine the ways of
interpreting experiences and talking about them.  The experiences may be
caused by something actual, but the connection to their language may be
obscure .
For a summary of some of the issues, see
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