Robert, List:

That passage is from R 1345, dated c. 1896, and thus was written several
years prior to Peirce's much more comprehensive classification of 1903.  It
seems to me that empirics became phenomenology, which identifies three
irreducible elements of the phaneron (quality/reaction/mediation)
corresponding to the mathematical forms of valency
(monadic/dyadic/triadic); and pragmatics became the normative science of
ethics, with aesthetics inserted between them to discern that which is
admirable in itself as a necessary precursor to ascertaining what
constitutes admirable conduct.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 9:42 PM robert marty <>

> Jon, List
> I always thought that the most peircean of the classifications of sciences 
> was this one :
> *Mathematics* the study of ideal constructions without reference to their
> real existence,
> -Empirics, the study of phenomena with the purpose of identifying their
> forms with those *mathematics* has studied,
> -Pragmatics, the study of how we ought to behave in the ligth of the
> truths of empirics."(NEM, vol.IV, p. 1122)
> and you ?
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