On that point, there is no disagreement
AvB> The decision of what is obsolete or not must be
based on a
 reality check and the context of his thought and experiences. Not on
what is written last.  
On 2 June 1911, Peirce used a reality check
to recognize that his presentation of EGs in 1906 was based on a mistake. 
On June 7, he began the development of a cleaner and more elegant version
of EGs, which he presented in L231 (June 22).   See .
By every reality check with
the development of logic in the 20th and  21st c, the version of
eg1911.pdf has stood the test of time.  But the version of 1906 received
terrible reviews by Quine, Martin Gardner, and many others -- including
Peirce himself, who called it "as bad as it could be" (L376,
December 1911).
The primary criterion for EGs is not "what was
written last", but what Peirce himself wrote about his earlier
versions of EGs.  R670 (June 7), which led to L231 (June 22), is Peirce's
own reality check on the version of 1906 (and R669, which he began to
write as a rehash of the version of 1906).
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