Ben, Gary, List,

As I said in my last note, this thread has wasted everybody's time for no 
useful purpose.

The real expert on this topic is Tony Jappy, who has devoted years of research 
and publications to this topic.  As I said in the first notes, Tony is the 
expert on this topic..  But he does not enjoy debates of this kind -- for very 
good reason .  So I posted excerpts from Tony's writings.   And I would have 
been happy to discuss those issues, which are far more important then just 
supporting a choice of one label (tone) vs another (mark).

But Jon would never stop.  He kept repeating the same claim over and over  and 
over again.  He would not even consider the issues that Tony had published in 
books and articles.

In any case, Tony is the expert.  If anybody has any doubts on these issues, 
discuss them with Tony offline.  I have zero desire to continue.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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