
As Edwina accurately commented a few days ago, this exchange between John
and Jon has become less a discussion and more a debate, so much so that I
have commented  -- now for the third time -- that it would seem to me that
Peirce-L members now (and perhaps for some time now) have enough
information in the form of argumentation and accompanying textual (and
other) support to make up their own minds as to who has made the stronger
case, John for 'mark' or Jon for 'tone'. Or perhaps it still remains a
question in some Listers' minds. Or perhaps a certain ennui has settled in
for some here leading to a sense of "so what?" or "who really cares?" or
"enough already!" I personally have found the exchange stimulating and

In any event, I am requesting that the two principal participants in the
thread, Jon Alan Schmidt and John Sowa, as well as all others who have
chimed in (including me), cease this particular discussion for now,
including their not commenting on my decision as moderator for* all* to
take a break from it. Should there be some good reason to take up the
question again in the future, I would ask that the two principals first
present that reasoning me off List. I would also ask that neither of them
now attempt "to have the last word" in this matter.

There are many topics of potential interest to members of Peirce-L such
that I would hope that other List members, given a window of opportunity to
suggest new topics for discussion, will indeed introduce them whether they
result in a threaded discussion or not. Rarely have I suggested that
certain participants were posting too frequently. But both Joe Ransdell and
I finally had to intervene as List moderators in the interest of the
Peirce-L community's well-being to say *just* that and to request in this
case, that John and Jon post no more than twice a week for the next two
weeks. Should either of them have questions regarding this action, I would
ask them to please write me off List.

The ideal for both Joe and me has always been that Peirce-L be as
self-moderating as possible. But sometimes forms of participant
*immoderation* calls for the moderator to step in the interest of the
health of the List. I am doing so now.


Gary Richmond (writing as Peirce-L moderator, co-manager with Ben Udell)
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