On 9/6/04 3:48 AM, Simon Cozens wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Siracusa) writes:
>> PAR doesn't compile or precompile to bytecode, it packages, temp-expands,
>> and runs.
> It *could* do this, but loading bytecode in Perl 5 is slower than loading
> and compiling source, so there's not really much point. What's so magic
> about bytecode, anyway?

Don't you think it's preferable to temp-expanding and compiling at runtime?
I'd rather not have to write files to disk just to launch...

>> Within the realm of what it does, PAR is pretty amazing.  But the internals
>> are (necessarily) very ugly and fragile.
> In what way? How have you managed to break it?

The slides about the internals do start with "Here begins the scary part"
and claim that "PAR invokes four areas of Perl arcana", some of which were,
or still are, undocumented.  As for breaking it, I suppose all I'd have to
do is try to use it on a platform that has perl but is not supported by PAR.

Don't get me wrong, PAR is a great, impressive collection of code.  But part
of the reason that it's so impressive is that it's not easy to get Perl 5 to
do this type of thing without a lot of clever tricks.  I'd like it if this
kind of thing doesn't have to be quite so clever in the Perl 6 age :)


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