Juerd wrote:
> John Williams wrote:
> > >     4 :th
> > >     $foo :th
> > No. Adverbs modify verbs (operators or functions), not terms like 4 or
> > $foo.
> Then perhaps a method? Number::th?
>     4.th
>     $foo.th

Again, with a bit of magic where the dot is optional when the object in
question is an integer literal: 4th =:= 4.th - and probably with special
synonyms for th when the literal is any of (1 or -1, 2 or -2, 3 or -3) -
Number::st, Number::nd, and Number::rd, respectively.  Mind you, these
wouldn't _really_ be methods, since they would only be valid when used
within the arguments of a list's postcircumfix:[] operator.  

And while I like the notion that 0th has a valid meaning and that its
meaning fits into a scheme that parallels the wraparound behavior of
standard lists (i.e., perl 5's 0-based contiguous lists), I can see the
arguments for both 1st referring to the first element and -1st referring
to the last argument (which, if both are accepted, would leave 0th out in
the cold).  Of the two, "1st =:= first" is the more compelling argument;
and if one of the two arguments has to be rejected, I'd rather it be the
"-1st =:= last" one.  

So we've come up with two mutually exclusive schemes for ordinal indices,
depending on which of 0th or -1st refers to the last element of a list. 
There's a third option where the last element isn't given an ordinal at
all; but I doubt that anyone would prefer this, even as a second choice.  

The pros and cons of each approach have now been discussed at length, and
it appears that we've reached an impasse of sorts.  So let me just
summarize the positions, and ask for Larry's thoughts on the issue.  

"0th =:= last": Lists using this type of ordinals would behave exactly
like a perl 5 list, except that [$n.th] would correspond to [$n-1] rather
than to [$n].  You'd read non-positive ordinals as offsets from the last
element, which isn't quite symmetric with the way that positive ordinals
would be read.  

"-1st =:= last": This type of ordinal index maintains a symmetry between
positive and negative indices, treating the sign of the ordinal as an
indication of which end of the list to start at.  C<0th> would be
undefined, which makes some intuitive sense; but you'd have to watch out
for such things as (1 + $n).th, which would throw an error if $n was -1,
and would work differently for $n < -1 and $n > -1.  

Either way, I'd be in favor of being able to use C<last> as a synonym for
the ordinal corresponding to the last element in a list (and, for
symmetry, C<first> as a synonym for 1.th or 1.st); it's at worst one
character longer than the ordinal in question, and its meaning is clear
and unambiguous.  The only problem with it is when you're dealing with
sparse arrays: [last - 1] won't neccessarily do what you want it to,
depending on what you want it to do.  To avoid confusion in the
discussion, let's look at the other end (where we're pretty much agreed on
the meaning of 1st and first): if we want to look at the next existing
element, we can say (1 + 1).th; if we want to look at the element whose
index is one higher than the first index, we can say 1.st + 1.  With
C<first>, we can do the latter but not the former.  

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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