On Tue, Sep 07, 2004 at 06:07:24PM +0200, James Mastros wrote:

> 4. The single-file, platform dependent, machine language executable 
> (realexe).  This is a plain old executable, that does not particularly 
> indicate it was generated by a "scripting" language.  It requires no odd 
> handing vs a normal executable for the target platform, because it /is/ 
> a normal executable for the target platform.  It may be staticly or 
> dynamicly linked to the necessary libraries.

Which parrot can already do. (Or at least could, but I don't think that
anyone's been checking on it recently)

This work was completed as a result of a TPF grant that Daniel Grunblatt
received last year:


> Mostly, though, they require fairly minimal support from the core.  Only 
> 1 requires C<perl> support, and that support is very minimal.  The 

and as you say all this really isn't about perl 6 the language.

Nicholas Clark

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