Thus it was written in the epistle of Michael Mathews,
> Ted Ashton wrote:
> > The qc()
> > proposal fits in well with the Perl "look-and-feel" and seems pretty
> > comfortable to me.  If there are concerns about obfuscatory potential, a
> > use strict 'comments' could require that the qc( opening start in column
> one.
> > Further, if qc were flexible about delimiters, those who prefer /* */
> could
> > write
> >
> > qc/*  Here is a comment  */;
> >
> I think this may be the closest thing to being What Will Make Everyone
> Happy, but I'm afraid it fails in two very major ways:
> 1) Perl can't currently handle quote delimiters of arbitrary length. In
> other words the asterisks would currently be treated as part of the quote,
> not part of the delimiter. Any idea how to overcome this?

I've no intention of overcoming this :-).  The delimiter above is the / and 
should be understood so.  The * is a warm fuzzy for C programmers, but as it
might lead the masses astray should probably be avoided.

> 2) Also this proposition fails in one of my goals, which was to allow
> arbitrary nesting of multiline comments. I believe this would be true for
> any function based solution.

Negative.  If you use paired delimiters you're ok.

qc( Here's a quick comment which actually contains
    qc( another comment )
    within it

Ted Ashton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Info Sys, Southern Adventist University
I advise my students to listen carefully the moment they decide to take no
more mathematics courses. They might be able to hear the sound of closing
                                            -- Caballero, James
         Deep thoughts to be found at

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