Ted Ashton wrote:

> > 2) Also this proposition fails in one of my goals, which was to allow
> > arbitrary nesting of multiline comments. I believe this would be true for
> > any function based solution.
> Negative.  If you use paired delimiters you're ok.
> qc( Here's a quick comment which actually contains
>     qc( another comment )
>     within it
>   );

This type of comment will not comment out arbitrary text.  In particular, it
have problems with text containing mismatched (){}<>.  And yet using non-paired
delimiters doesn't allow commenting out comments.  My ideas, which address both,
were in a concurrent-in-time posting to this one I'm replying to.

And the choice of a single-character delimiter is hard for this sort of muliline
comment for use in commenting out blocks of code, considering the line-noise
nature of perl source code.  A multi-character delimiter seems imperative for
commenting out code, just as for here documents.

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