We have interior doors that appear to be hollow and filled with Styrofoam 
beadboard.  For a time we had mice getting into these and shredding the 
Styrofoam, presumably to make nests.  I’m glad  to say that since we managed to 
exclude mice from the building, this problem has gone away.  No-pne wanted to 
dismount the (large) doors to put metal plates on the bottom…..



Helen Coxon
Senior Conservator, Preventive Conservation
Royal Ontario Museum

From: pestlist@googlegroups.com <pestlist@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of 
Pollack, Richard J
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 2:27 PM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [PestList] Door Sweep Recommendations

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For hollow doors that are on the interior of a building that is under 
temperature control, then there would seem little value to weep holes. In those 
cases, the holes can be blocked. A small square of aluminum flashing, held in 
place with an appropriate adhesive (I like silicone) works wonders. If you’re 
able to get your fingers under the door easily, then the repair is simple. 
Sometimes, the doors need to be removed from their hinges. That’s best left to 
locksmiths or other door repair folks.

If the door is in an area that suffers from temperature and humidity 
fluctuations (as with an exterior door), then consider a metal mesh. I’d select 
something that is not oxidizing. Stainless steel hardware cloth works well. 
Xcluder fabric will breath and allow water to pass, but it would be difficult 
to secure it in place.

I recommend that all doors be inspected and modified prior to installation. It 
is far more costly and difficult to mitigate after the doors have become mouse 

In any case, be sure that any modifications do not compromise the fire rating 
of the door. If in doubt, ask someone skilled in that arena.


From: <pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>> on behalf 
of Dan Wixted <dj...@cornell.edu<mailto:dj...@cornell.edu>>
Reply-To: "pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>" 
Date: Friday, January 29, 2021 at 2:17 PM
To: "pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>" 
Subject: RE: [PestList] Door Sweep Recommendations


Thanks! In cases where they are weep holes, would you recommend the metal mesh 
to allow moisture to escape? I’m wondering if there are issues of weep holes 
are completely sealed.

Dan Wixted                   Pesticide Management Education Program (PMEP)
Cornell University           Ph (607) 255-7525
525 Tower Road            FAX (607) 255-3075
CALS Surge Facility        
Ithaca, NY 14853

From: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com> 
<pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of 
Pollack, Richard J
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 2:05 PM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [PestList] Door Sweep Recommendations


Those holes are sometimes weep holes, but other times they’re formed into the 
door bottom to help with handling during manufacturing. Mice readily find these 
portals to an attractive and comfortable abode.

I posted some images and suggestions here:

Richard J. Pollack, PhD
Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)
Senior Environmental Public Health Officer
46 Blackstone St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Office: 617-495-2995  Cell: 617-447-0763

Subscribe to the Harvard EH&S COVID-19 literature review:

From: <pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>> on behalf 
of Dan Wixted <dj...@cornell.edu<mailto:dj...@cornell.edu>>
Reply-To: "pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>" 
Date: Friday, January 29, 2021 at 1:51 PM
To: "pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>" 
Subject: RE: [PestList] Door Sweep Recommendations

Regarding Jef’s comment below, I believe the structural holes in the bottom of 
metal doors are weep holes, put there to allow moisture to escape. I can see 
where they could provide harborage for pests, but I wonder if it would be 
better to screen them than to cover them; a question to ask the door 
manufacturer, I think.


Dan Wixted                   Pesticide Management Education Program (PMEP)
Cornell University           Ph (607) 255-7525
525 Tower Road            FAX (607) 255-3075
CALS Surge Facility        
Ithaca, NY 14853

From: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com> 
<pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of Jef 
Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 12:34 PM
To: pestlist@googlegroups.com<mailto:pestlist@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [PestList] Door Sweep Recommendations

I find single-blade doorsweeps almost useless, but that's mainly because my 
museum is actually a zoo, and mice are a constant gnawing presence. Xcluder 
sweeps are the best single blade doorsweeps against mice, which quickly chew 
through vinyl or bristles in a very short time. I had another problem, which is 
hollow metal doors with structural holes on the bottom surface (where you can't 
see) which mice and insects love to use as harborage. I ended up switching to 
the first style of doorsweep you showed (an inexpensive similar product made by 
Frost King) to cover these holes.

On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 10:46 AM alison_castaneda 
<alison_castan...@fitnyc.edu<mailto:alison_castan...@fitnyc.edu>> wrote:
Greetings PestList,

The Museum at FIT is looking to upgrade our door sweeps and would greatly 
appreciate any input or recommendations.

We currently have this style:
However, due to the frequently uneven floors, gaps are apparent beneath the 

We're looking at this style:
We hope that the face-mount style will provide flexibility for uneven floors 
that the under-mount style did not.

Does anyone have preferred brands or words-of-wisdom for the replacement 
process?  Any input is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Alison Castaneda

Associate Conservator, MFIT

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